Ambanagri Photo-Videographers Association, Amravati

Online Photography Competition & Exhibition 2021

Ambanagri Photo-Videographers Association, Amravati
Online Photography Competition & Exhibition 2021


Each Photographer Can Submit Up To 3 Images.


Participant who earns more than 10% of his total income from Photography and photography related business.


Hobbyist photographer who do not earn more than 10% of his total income from Photography.

Rules & Regulations

1) The competition is open for all Professional Group – The Relation & Amateur Group –  Corona 

2) Entries should be accompanied with complete details mentioned in the from attached

3) Entry Fee Rs. 250/- for Professional, & Rs. 130/- for Amateur  The maximum number of entries per participants
limited to Three (3) entry by same participant in all the category/ Group NOT ALLOWED

4) Each entry shall have the photographers Name, E-mail and telephone/Mobile Number 

5) Right of Exhibition Entry reserved with APVA Amravati

6) Association will be use any image/ Photograph for non commercial purpose giving
due credit to the Photographer

7) Entries should be the work of Photographer. Association can’t be held responsible for copyright violation
malpractice, misrepresentation made by entrants

8) The decision of the judges appointed by the Association should be final and no correspondence will be permitted in
this regard

9) Last Date for submission of entries: 31st Dec, 2021

10) In all category entries shoulde on theme only

Result Date – 2nd Jan, 2021

For Information 
Mobile Number: +919011507394 (Akshay) +919850334318 (Pratik)
Email Id : [email protected]